It’s all about having fun, is it not?
We think so.
We’ve been trading from our Kaikoura location since 2003, why Kaikoura? it’s close to the fun.
We started as a franchise of R&R Sport, but with the acquisition of R&R Sport by Torpedo 7 in 2013 which was earlier bought by The Warehouse Group. Faced with some choices we choose to create our own passion, fun driven brand. Fun for the outdoors and the passion for outdoor gear we use and love.
Fun shouldn’t come at the cost of quality and price though. We understand how hard you, our customer work for their money. Everything we stock, we stock because we believe in the quality and is going to work as required. How do we know? We use stuff, we get out there, we don’t just talk it. Don’t believe us? every other company says that! follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and share in our adventures. We’d love to see yours as well.
The big guys are cheaper, aren’t they? Sometimes, but if we are more expensive let us know, we can match or beat anybody out there (most of the time). You won’t find artificially raised recommended retail prices just so we can pretend to do a 60% sale at Coastal Sports, we believe in genuine deals on quality brands.
Open 7 days a week
24 Westend , Kaikoura 7300
(03) 319 5028
The Team.
ContactCoastal Sports Ltd is a NZ limited company, 100% kiwi owned, family run, passion driven business.
Gst # 90-603-426